Updates & Upcoming

Updates & Upcoming

Wow! What a couple of weeks I’ve had. On Wednesday, as part of WORDfest Crawley I interviewed two of my favourite writers at Crawley Library. Dead Rich by William Shaw, writing as GW Shaw, has been described by one reviewer (ie Me) as “Die Hard on a Yacht.” The book...


When I was – well, let’s say younger, because ‘young’ would suggest I’m now old, and I don’t feel old (though I am old enough to remember New Order when they were called Joy Division. I prefer The Order. More fun.) Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah, not being old. Well,...
Morecambe & Vice & Whats Next?

Morecambe & Vice & Whats Next?

It’s the law, apparently. Well hello there. Just thought I’d drop you a note to bring you up to date on what I’ve been doing, am doing and am going to be doing soon. Last weekend I hoped on an Edinburgh-bound train from London Euston station and headed North...