So, I was the featured author on Charlie Cochrane‘s blogs this week.
The first time – apart from a Fahrenheit chat when Death of a DIva was released – that I’ve been interviewed.
Typically, I agonised over the answers – do I want to appear pure comedy and silliness and risk not being taken seriously, or do I come across like a high brow Salman Rushdie and talk endlessly about my craft in tones that suggest I’d be happier doing the grouting, but that writing is a vocation for me, like, y’know, working with lepers is for other people..?
In the end, I went with “Just tell the fucking story, Derek, and stop over thinking,” which – I think – worked well.
I want to thank Charlie for being such a lovely person, and for questions that made me go “Oooh, I don’t have a glib answer ready for that.” I’m looking forward to reading some of her mysteries now.
The interview is here, if you’d like to read it, and you can buy Death of a Diva (a 5* book worth every penny of your money) here, if you haven’t already.
It was a pleasure to host you. Glad the questions got you thinking – they certainly provoked good answers. Let me know when it’s in print.